Test Paper Generator
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Select Questions
Questions selected in this category:
Select the type of questions from the given drop-down menu and click 'OK' to view
the list of questions. Select the questions from the list to be induded in the test.
Enter Details
Question Type No. of questions Total Marks
Multiple Choice Questions [0]
Write True or False [0]
Fill in the blanks [0]
Match the following [0]
Short answer type questions [0]
Long Answer Type Questions [0]
Choose the correct Answer and Fill in the blanks [0]
One word Type Questions [0]
Solve The Questions [0]
Total Questions:
Total Marks:
Enter the number of questions and marks per question to be included in the test in the given boxes, for each category.
Enter only marks if you have already selected the questions.
Test Preview
Click 'Next' button to finalise and save the test. Click 'Back' button to make changes.
Test Summary

Test name:

School name:

Chapter no.:

